Post Ian Update For Bay Colony and Pelican Bay
Hello Naples Friends,
As you can imagine, it’s been a rough few days. I will provide as much information as possible as we sort through what turned out to be the worst storm in Naples’s history. If you own property and need eyes on your place, please contact me directly, and I will make every attempt to go by. Here’s what I know so far.

Bay Colony
Bay Colony and all beach clubs were the hardest hit of all Pelican Bay locations. The surge started breaching the berms quite early and did not take long to inundate all high-rise parking garages on the sand and Trieste. A resident mentioned Marquesa had about 4 feet of water in their garage. It is unknown how Salerno and Toscana faired. Water got as high as the bottom of the stop sign by the guard shack to give you an idea of how high the water got at its highest level. It is confirmed all cars were moved to the second-level parking in Contessa and were saved.
9/30 Water did enter the Contessa lobby they had already started cleaning the first floor and pressure washing the front entry. All units performed well, according to the staff. I accessed two units and can confirm no issues.
Other buildings were not as fortunate.
October 19th’s reconnaissance mission was just a brief overview. I did not enter any buildings on that day.
After Friday’s mission, water inundation in La Palma and, at minimum, the west half of Vizcaya is confirmed. Water penetrated some of the homes in Bay Colony Shores, and several trees were also down. I did not spend a great deal of time here so as not to interrupt the clean-up process.
9/30 There is no evidence of water penetration inside the Bay Colony Beach Club after my visit Friday There is some evidence of exterior damage to the building that I would consider minor. I could not access the walkway to the beach and had no intelligence regarding the integrity of the building. Still, everything was in its place inside, smelled good, and looked as if it were ready to open this afternoon minus power.
Bay Colony residents should know the guard in Bay Colony manned his post during the entire storm. As of yesterday, he has been there for three days straight, providing an incredible commitment and service to the residents. He still has no idea how his own property faired. As you can imagine, it was likely a very anxious time as he watched water surround the guard house.
We could not access the Strand due to a large downed tree, but evidence from the beachside confirmed all homes were breached, at least on the bottom floor. Most of the mangroves on the beach are gone, and visible damage to some homes is evident. I have more photos and videos if you are a Bay Colony resident. Please contact me directly.
Pelican Bay
The beaches are littered with trash and debris from who knows where but a buoy from Sanibel was found stuck in the sand in front of the North Beach Club. All steps leading to the beach we could see were missing or mangled. The plumbing at North Beach Club has been broken in several locations, but the bar area appeared to hold up quite well. The condition of the kitchens is unknown. On a lighter note, the width of our beaches increased substantially.
Areas of Pelican Bay Boulevard were also flooded, including golf course areas. While there were some downed trees, there weren’t nearly as many as we experienced during Hurricane Irma. Many streets in the single-family areas like Pelican Bay Woods and Oakmont looked near normal. Other areas on the east side of Pelican Bay Boulevard may have suffered water penetration. Mud lines approximately a foot high on the garage doors in Cocobay were noted.
A report from a gentleman who owns a condo in Mystique stated at least the first-floor parking was inundated. He had no confirmation of the height of the water level at the time of his report yesterday.
9/30 – A report from a past client confirms cars were lost in the garage in Claridge.
9/30 – A report from a past client in St. Lucia stated the carports were destroyed. I have not been by to confirm.
9/30 – A client has informed me St. Marissa has power.
9/30 – A client from St. Maarten said all improvements worked. 4 inches of water entered the first floor.
9/30 According to a client, they have been told Marbella suffered some damage resulting in the evacuation of all residents. Repairs may take up to two months before residents can access the building again.
October 1 Visual Assessments
10/1 St. Marissa had a 4 ft. surge enter their lobby. All onsite cars were inundated. When I got there Saturday, power was already on, one elevator was working, and the sheetrock was already being removed from the lobby. The manager is doing a fantastic job getting that building back together.
Glencove – A client report stated all the units are fine, but the damage has been done to all the cars. Some downed trees.
Oakmont did not flood, according to another person and my visual inspection. The lake was only filled halfway after the repair. It was VERY full after the storm. Some downed trees were noted. Well done, team!
Barrington Club already had two landscaping trucks there today, and they have power. Some fallen small trees and branches were noticed. There was no evidence of a flood.
Barrington Some small trees down, no evidence of high water. Power on.
Beauville is relatively clean, with small branches down. No evidence of flooding. It looked nearly untouched.
Villa Lantana One small tree down at 7060, no sign of water. The neighborhood already looks nice and neat.
Waterford Some big trees down, no visible water penetration from the road. The power appears to be on.
Willow Brook Bigger tree limbs down, no signs of water, carports intact, power on.
Laurel Oaks Some screen damage, extremely clean already, one banister issue, evidence of some power but can’t confirm entire community. Some decorative shutter issues.
Sand Pointe Ivy on some of the garage fronts has been destroyed. Small trees down, a big tree at 6801 is down.
Oak Lake Sanctuary No flooding, very clean, power on, no landscape issues.
St. Andrews lt looks like the entire subdivision evacuated for the storm. This neighborhood looks completely spotless. Power on.
Las Brisas Small branches, no water intrusion we could identify, power appears to be on.
The front of the Pelican Bay Golf Club appeared in good condition. Lots of saltwater spilled onto the course. Rains and/or surge was extremely salty as a result, we may lose several more trees soon. It appears to have power.
Villas of Pelican Bay One small tree down at 6616. Some leaves were in the pool but did not appear to be inundated with seawater. The power is on.
Pinecrest Small branches, some screen damage, tree down at 811. The power appears to be on.
The Village at Pelican Bay No water issues observed from the road, very clean, small branches. I could not confirm power.
Bridge Way Villas Small trees down, there could be water issues at the end of the cul de sac closest to the lake. Please consult your professionals for further evaluation.
Tierra Mar Light landscape issues already cleaned up, some screen damage.
Renaissance It looks like there may have been up to 6 inches of water in the garage. The power is on.
Serendipity Broken carport for spaces 587-593, medium size trees down, various levels of midlines noted on properties on the north and west side of the neighborhood.
St. Nicole Small trees down, cars destroyed, approximately 4 feet of water in the lobby.
Heron Cars destroyed we believe the lobby did not endure water issues.
St. Tropez – Cars were destroyed. It does not appear water entered the lobby.
Chanteclair Maisonettes cars were destroyed, but the elevation for first-floor units may have been high enough to avoid water penetration. Please contact your service people for verification.
Chanteclair Manor had some levels of storm surge. It looks like many garages were inundated but may not have penetrated interiors. Please consult your service people for verification.
St. Kitts Cars were lost. The building has power but no elevator. Elevators are slated to be fixed within two weeks.
Western facing High-rise windows from St. Lucia to Mystique appeared intact from what I could see. Still, several towels were hanging over banisters in a few units at St. Lucia, which may have suggested water issues. The generator was running at St. Pierre. and Hyde Park
Hyde Park had an incredible amount of water, but mud lines suggest they may not have been so high as to breach units in the TV building.
9/30 A few notes – The big win is to get your wet sheet rock and wet flooring out of your property before it dries to prevent mold infestation and further damage. Your staff in your buildings, contractors, and home watch people are working extremely diligently to provide as much assistance as possible. Their priorities are safety first and orchestrating clean-up. Communication is difficult. Cel phone service is better, but we still have difficulty sending photos unless we have wifi. I live in Pelican Bay, so it is easier for me to run home and send them to you.
Many of you have asked why I’m providing a walk-through service. I evacuated during Irma. Not knowing how my property faired was the worst part of that storm. I don’t mind sharing the peace of mind with my neighbors and photos so you can start insurance claims if needed.
10/1 Regional Southwest Airport remains closed until 10/7. The Naples Airport opened today with reservation access. Please contact them if you are planning to come down to reserve a slot. (239) 643-0733
Throughout the development, power has already been restored to many Pelican Bay residents. Publix is now open, and many traffic lights on 41 are working again. I have not seen any open gas stations in Naples yet. The water is potable to all areas in Pelican Bay except for The Strand as of 12:00 p.m. October 1.
10/1 911 is not working, but you can text if you are local. Please contact (239) 252-9300 for 911 services if you are not local. Wellness checks are out of the scope of my expertise, but I can connect you to a building manager if your loved ones are located in a building for alternative service.
If you or somebody you know would like deeper updates on a specific property, please call, text, or email me, and I will do my best to assist.
Best Regards,
Shannon Lefevre, PA
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